Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Latest Ramzan Wallpaper 2015

Exclusive New Design Wallpaper
for Ramzan Sharif 2014

‘Passing time’ whilst fasting
There are many such unwise people who fast but then put the honour of Ramadan aside
and indulge in unlawful activities such as playing chess, cards and listening to music in
the name of ‘passing time’.

Remember! Playing chess and cards is prohibited even if no money or bet is involved.

A’la Hazrat  (Radi allahu ta'ala anhu) has declared it Haram to play cards because they have images of living beings printed on them. He (Radi allahu ta'ala anhu) said, ‘Ganjifah (a card game) is prohibited because it shows honour to images in addition to being a useless activity.’ (Fatawa Razawiyyah (Jadid), pp. 141, vol. 24)


What is best form of worship?
O fasting Islamic brothers! O seekers of Heaven! Never waste the precious moments of
Ramadan in useless and idle activities! Life is very short, so take advantage of its precious
moments. Instead of wasting your time by playing cards and listening to songs in the
name of ‘passing time’ try to utilize it reciting the Holy Quran and Salat-‘Alan-Nabi and

remembering Allah (Azza wa jal).


The more thirst and hunger you endure the more you will be rewarded. It is narrated,
 ‘The best worship is the one that involves more hardship).’ (Kashf-ul-Khifa-wa-Muzil-ul-Ilbas, pp. 141, vol. 1, Hadiš 459)

Imam Sharafuddin Nawavi (Radi allahu ta'ala anhu) has said, ‘The reward and excellence of worship augments when it involves more hardships and expenses.’ (Sharah –Sahih Muslim lin-Nawavi, pp. 390, vol. 1)


Sayyiduna Ibrahim Bin Adham (Radi allahu ta'ala anhu) has said, ‘The harder a deed is in the world the heavier it will be on the scales on the Judgement Day.’ (Tazkira-tul-Auliya, pp. 95)

Design by Ilyas Qadri

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