Saturday, July 13, 2013


Sawm of Ramadan

Black spot on heart
A Hadiš states, ‘When a person commits a sin, a black spot is marked on his heart. If he
commits another sin another black spot is marked on his heart (and this carries on) until
his (whole) heart becomes black. Then advice has no effect on his heart.’ (Ad-Dur-rul-Manšur,

pp. 446, vol. 8)

It’s obvious that if someone’s heart is rusty and black then how can words of piety and
advice affect him? It becomes extremely difficult for such a person to avoid sins in Ramadan
as well as in other months, and he finds it hard to perform good deeds. If somehow he
does manage to occupy himself in acts of piety he does not enjoy himself carrying them
out and tries to find the ways to avoid the Sunnah-Inspiring Madani environment. His
Nafs makes him have long hopes and he becomes heedless and eventually dissociates
himself from the Madani environment. Such a person wastes the blessed moments of
Ramadan, playing and listening to music, playing cards and chess, gossiping, chatting

etc. and thereby ruins these sacred and blessed moments.

Design by Sayed Ilyas Qadri

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