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Monday, November 28, 2011
Muharram ke Roze
Muharram Mubarak Ho.
Wishing you a very very Happy Islamic New Year (Hijri : 1433)
Allha (Azzawajal) ham sab ke Saal Khair Kare or hame khob khob Ebadat karne ki Taufiq De. Aamin - Aamin - Aamin.
Is Mahine main Khob Khob Roze Rakhe
Kam se Kam 1 Muharram se 10 Muharram tak.
Wishing you a very very Happy Islamic New Year (Hijri : 1433)
Allha (Azzawajal) ham sab ke Saal Khair Kare or hame khob khob Ebadat karne ki Taufiq De. Aamin - Aamin - Aamin.
Is Mahine main Khob Khob Roze Rakhe
Kam se Kam 1 Muharram se 10 Muharram tak.
Kam az Kam 2 Roze to Zarur Rakhe 9 or 10 Muharram Ka
Aur in Roze ka Sawab Imam-e-Hussain (Radi Allah’ Tala anhu) ko NAZAR Kare.
Jazak Allha ho Mul Khaira.
Design by : Sayed Firoz N.
Muharram Ke Roze Ki Fazilat
Muharram Mubarak Ho.
Wishing you a very very Happy Islamic New Year (Hijri : 1433)
Allha (Azzawajal) ham sab ke Saal Khair Kare or hame khob khob Ebadat karne ki Taufiq De. Aamin - Aamin - Aamin.
Is Mahine main Khob Khob Roze Rakhe
Kam se Kam 1 Muharram se 10 Muharram tak.
Aur in Roze ka Sawab Imam-e-Hussain (Radi Allah’ Tala anhu) ko NAZAR Kare.
Jazak Allha ho mul Khaira
Design by : Sayed Firoz N.
Wishing you a very very Happy Islamic New Year (Hijri : 1433)
Allha (Azzawajal) ham sab ke Saal Khair Kare or hame khob khob Ebadat karne ki Taufiq De. Aamin - Aamin - Aamin.
Is Mahine main Khob Khob Roze Rakhe
Kam se Kam 1 Muharram se 10 Muharram tak.
Aur in Roze ka Sawab Imam-e-Hussain (Radi Allah’ Tala anhu) ko NAZAR Kare.
Jazak Allha ho mul Khaira
Design by : Sayed Firoz N.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Muharram Wallpaper 2014
Sawab-e-Jariya (Puri Ummat-e-Mohammadia k Liye)
Wishing you a very very Happy Islamic New Year (Hijri : 1433)
The Plundered Caravan of Karbala
Wishing you a very very Happy Islamic New Year (Hijri : 1433)
The Plundered Caravan of Karbala
And then …then…only Imam Zain-ul-‘Abidin (Radi Allah’ Tala anhu), who was ill, and some ladies remained alive, all the camps became desolate. The corpses of the youth and children of the holy family were lying everywhere outside the camps. The cruel troops of Yazid plundered and burnt the camps; imprisoned all, raised the heads of the martyrs on spears and drove the plundered caravan like a herd of animals.
Even its imagination Bloodshed in Karbala is extremely heart-breaking. Our heart weeps with the tears of blood when these horrific scenes cross our mind.
Piyaray Muballigh! Mamuli si mushkil pay ghabrata hay!
Daikh Hussain (Radi Allah’ Tala anhu) nay Din ki khatir sara ghar qurban kiya.
Design by Sayed Firoz N.
Muharram Wallpapers 2014
Sawab-e-Jariya (Puri Ummat-e-Mohammadia k Liye)
Wishing you a very very Happy Islamic New Year (Hijri : 1433)
Bloodshed in Karbala
When Sayyiduna Imam Hussain (Radi Allah’ Tala anhu) journeyed from Madinah to Makkah, on the way, he met Sayyiduna Ibn-e-Muti (Radi Allah’ Tala anhu) who politely said, “There is very little water in my well, please say prayer.” Imam Hussain (Radi Allah’ Tala anhu) asked for some water from the well. When the bucket of water was presented, he drank some water from it and rinsed his mouth then poured the water of the bucket back into the well. The water of the well increased and became sweeter and tastier than before.
Alas! The buds of the garden of Sayyidatuna Fatimah (Radi Allah’ Tala anha) were mercilessly trampled by horses-hooves. What would have been the feelings of Sayyid-ush-Shuhada Imam Hussain (Radi Allah’ Tala anhu). Bloodshed in Karbala at the time when the army of Yazid would have killed his sons in front of his eyes!

Wishing you a very very Happy Islamic New Year (Hijri : 1433)
Bloodshed in Karbala
Imagine the hair-raising scene of Karbala whenever someone oppresses you due to serving or acting upon Sunnah. What was the fault of the Prophet’s (Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam) family. They just wanted the glory of Islam. The beautiful flowers of the Prophet’s (Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam) garden were brutally trampled as a punishment of this sacred crime.
Design in Photoshop CS5
Karamat-e-Imam-e-Hussain (Radi Allah’ Tala anhu)When Sayyiduna Imam Hussain (Radi Allah’ Tala anhu) journeyed from Madinah to Makkah, on the way, he met Sayyiduna Ibn-e-Muti (Radi Allah’ Tala anhu) who politely said, “There is very little water in my well, please say prayer.” Imam Hussain (Radi Allah’ Tala anhu) asked for some water from the well. When the bucket of water was presented, he drank some water from it and rinsed his mouth then poured the water of the bucket back into the well. The water of the well increased and became sweeter and tastier than before.
Alas! The buds of the garden of Sayyidatuna Fatimah (Radi Allah’ Tala anha) were mercilessly trampled by horses-hooves. What would have been the feelings of Sayyid-ush-Shuhada Imam Hussain (Radi Allah’ Tala anhu). Bloodshed in Karbala at the time when the army of Yazid would have killed his sons in front of his eyes!

Alas! Baby ‘Ali Asgher’
Alas! Baby ‘Ali Asgher’ (Radi Allah’ Tala anhu) , what would have been the magnitude of the grief and sadness of Imam Hussain (Radi Allah’ Tala anhu) at the time when an arrow would have struck ‘Ali Asgher’ (Radi Allah’ Tala anhu) thirsty throat and he would have writhed and died in his father’s lap!
And …and …. how sad Sayyida Shahar Bano (Radi Allah’ Tala anha) the mother of ‘Ali Asgher’ would have been, when she would have seen the blood-stained corpse of her baby.
Daikha jo yeh nazarah kanpa hay ‘Arsh Sara’
‘Asgher (Radi Allah’ Tala anhu) kay jab galay par
zalim nay tir mara’
Muharram Wallpapers 2015
Sawab-e-Jariya (Puri Ummat-e-Mohammadia k Liye)
Wishing you a very very Happy Islamic New Year
Noble Prophet ‘Muhammad’ (Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam) said: “After Ramadan, the fasting of Muharram is the greatest; and after the obligatory [prayer] the greatest prayer is the night prayer.” (Sahih Muslim, P891, Hadis 1163)
Design in Photshop CS5
Noble Prophet ‘Muhammad’ (Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam) said: “After Ramadan, the fasting of Muharram is the greatest; and after the obligatory [prayer] the greatest prayer is the night prayer.” (Sahih Muslim, P891, Hadis 1163)
Design in Photshop CS5
The auspicious birth of Sayyiduna Imam Hussain (Radi Allah’ Tala anhu) took place on 4th Sha’ban on Tuesday in 4 A.H. in Madinah-tul-Munawwarah. It is narrated that the pregnancy period of Sayyidatuna Fatimah (Radi Allah’ Tala anha), while expecting Hazrat Imam Hussain (Radi Allah’ Tala anhu) lasted only for 6 months. No child whose pregnancy period was merely six months could survive.
Design in Photshop CS5 with blood splatter.
“The face of Imam Hussain (Radi Allah’ Tala anhu) was so bright and beautiful that when he would be in the dark, light would emanate from his blessed forehead and cheeks, because of which the surroundings would become illuminated.”
Wishing you a very very Happy Islamic New Year
Noble Prophet ‘Muhammad’ (Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam) said: “After Ramadan, the fasting of Muharram is the greatest; and after the obligatory [prayer] the greatest prayer is the night prayer.” (Sahih Muslim, P891, Hadis 1163)
Design in Photshop CS5
Noble Prophet ‘Muhammad’ (Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam) said: “After Ramadan, the fasting of Muharram is the greatest; and after the obligatory [prayer] the greatest prayer is the night prayer.” (Sahih Muslim, P891, Hadis 1163)
The auspicious birth of Sayyiduna Imam Hussain (Radi Allah’ Tala anhu) took place on 4th Sha’ban on Tuesday in 4 A.H. in Madinah-tul-Munawwarah. It is narrated that the pregnancy period of Sayyidatuna Fatimah (Radi Allah’ Tala anha), while expecting Hazrat Imam Hussain (Radi Allah’ Tala anhu) lasted only for 6 months. No child whose pregnancy period was merely six months could survive.
“The face of Imam Hussain (Radi Allah’ Tala anhu) was so bright and beautiful that when he would be in the dark, light would emanate from his blessed forehead and cheeks, because of which the surroundings would become illuminated.”
Design in Photshop CS5 in Dark Red Theme (Night at Karbala)
Design by : Sayed Firoz N.
Muharram Wallpapers
Sawab-e-Jariya (Puri Ummat-e-Mohammadia k Liye)
Muharram Mubarak Ho.
Wishing you a very very Happy Islamic New Year (Hijri : 1436)
The beloved of Allah ‘Muhammad’ (Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam) said: “The fasting of each and every day in Muharram is equal to the fasting for a month.” (Tabarani-fis-Saghir, V2, P87, Hadis 1580)
Muslims do fast during this day, because Musa (Moses) (alaihissalam) and his people obtained a victory over the Egyptian Pharaoh on the 10th day of Muharram; according to them Islamic prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam) asked Muslims to fast on this day, and also a day extra either before or after, so that they are not similar to Jews (since, according to him, Jews used to fast for one day due to the same reason).
Fasting differs among the Muslim groupings; mainstream Shia Muslims stop eating and drinking during sunlight hours and do not eat until late afternoon. Sunni Muslims also fast during Muharram for the first ten days of Muharram, just the tenth day or on both the ninth and tenth days; the exact term depending on the individual. Shia Muslims do so to replicate the sufferings of Husayn ibn Ali (Radi Allah’ Tala anhu) on the Day of Ashura.
Jazak Allha ho Mul Khaira
Muharram Mubarak Ho.
Wishing you a very very Happy Islamic New Year (Hijri : 1436)
The beloved of Allah ‘Muhammad’ (Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam) said: “The fasting of each and every day in Muharram is equal to the fasting for a month.” (Tabarani-fis-Saghir, V2, P87, Hadis 1580)
Muslims do fast during this day, because Musa (Moses) (alaihissalam) and his people obtained a victory over the Egyptian Pharaoh on the 10th day of Muharram; according to them Islamic prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam) asked Muslims to fast on this day, and also a day extra either before or after, so that they are not similar to Jews (since, according to him, Jews used to fast for one day due to the same reason).
Fasting differs among the Muslim groupings; mainstream Shia Muslims stop eating and drinking during sunlight hours and do not eat until late afternoon. Sunni Muslims also fast during Muharram for the first ten days of Muharram, just the tenth day or on both the ninth and tenth days; the exact term depending on the individual. Shia Muslims do so to replicate the sufferings of Husayn ibn Ali (Radi Allah’ Tala anhu) on the Day of Ashura.
Jazak Allha ho Mul Khaira
Muharram Wallpaper
Muharram Mubarak Ho.
Wishing you a very very Happy Islamic New Year (Hijri : 1436)
Allha (Azzawajal) ham sab ke Saal Khair Kare or hame khob khob Ebadat karne ki Taufiq De.
Aamin - Aamin - Aamin.
Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar. It is one of the four sacred months of the year in which fighting is prohibited. Since the Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar, Muharram moves from year to year when compared with the Gregorian calendar.
Shah Asth Hussain......Badshah Asth Hussain,
Deen Asth Hussain......Deen Panah Asth Hussain.
Ser Daad na Daad, Dast Der Dast-e-Yazeed,
Haqqa Ke Bina-e-Laaillah Asth Hussain.
Muharram is so called because it is unlawful to fight during this month; the word is derived from the word haram, meaning "forbidden". It is held to be the most sacred of all the months, excluding Ramadan. Some Muslims fast during these days. The tenth day of Muharram is called Yaumu-l 'Ashurah.
Design by : Sayed Firoz
Wishing you a very very Happy Islamic New Year (Hijri : 1436)
Allha (Azzawajal) ham sab ke Saal Khair Kare or hame khob khob Ebadat karne ki Taufiq De.
Aamin - Aamin - Aamin.
Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar. It is one of the four sacred months of the year in which fighting is prohibited. Since the Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar, Muharram moves from year to year when compared with the Gregorian calendar.
Shah Asth Hussain......Badshah Asth Hussain,
Deen Asth Hussain......Deen Panah Asth Hussain.
Ser Daad na Daad, Dast Der Dast-e-Yazeed,
Haqqa Ke Bina-e-Laaillah Asth Hussain.
Muharram is so called because it is unlawful to fight during this month; the word is derived from the word haram, meaning "forbidden". It is held to be the most sacred of all the months, excluding Ramadan. Some Muslims fast during these days. The tenth day of Muharram is called Yaumu-l 'Ashurah.
Design by : Sayed Firoz
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Darood Sharif
Darood Sharif in HINDI
Sawab-e-Jariya (Puri Ummat-e-Mohammadia k Liye)
There are various kinds of Durood mentioned in the books of hadith, and various writings, collected and complied by different Sufis and scholars of Islam, a few of them are mentioned below.
Design by : Sayed Firoz
Jazak Allha ho mul Khaira
Darood Sharif
Darood Sharif in HINDI
Sawab-e-Jariya (Puri Ummat-e-Mohammadia k Liye)
There are various kinds of Durood mentioned in the books of hadith, and various writings, collected and complied by different Sufis and scholars of Islam, a few of them are mentioned below.
Design by : Sayed Firoz
Jazak Allha ho mul Khaira
Sawab-e-Jariya (Puri Ummat-e-Mohammadia k Liye)
There are various kinds of Durood mentioned in the books of hadith, and various writings, collected and complied by different Sufis and scholars of Islam, a few of them are mentioned below.
Design by : Sayed Firoz
Jazak Allha ho mul Khaira
Darood Sharif
Darood Sharif in HINDI
Sawab-e-Jariya (Puri Ummat-e-Mohammadia k Liye)
There are various kinds of Durood mentioned in the books of hadith, and various writings, collected and complied by different Sufis and scholars of Islam, a few of them are mentioned below.
Design by : Sayed Firoz
Jazak Allha ho mul Khaira
Darood Sharif
Darood Sharif in HINDI
Sawab-e-Jariya (Puri Ummat-e-Mohammadia k Liye)
There are various kinds of Durood mentioned in the books of hadith, and various writings, collected and complied by different Sufis and scholars of Islam, a few of them are mentioned below.
Design by : Sayed Firoz
Jazak Allha ho mul Khaira
Sawab-e-Jariya (Puri Ummat-e-Mohammadia k Liye)
There are various kinds of Durood mentioned in the books of hadith, and various writings, collected and complied by different Sufis and scholars of Islam, a few of them are mentioned below.
Design by : Sayed Firoz
Jazak Allha ho mul Khaira
Ahadees / Dua in Hindi
Hadith / Hadiths / Ahadith / Ahadees is used to denote a saying,
Act, Words or tacit approval either validly or invalidly ascribed to the prophet Muhammad (Swallaho alihi wasalam). The last prophet of Islam.
Sawab-e-Jariya (Puri Ummat-e-Mohammadia k Liye)
Designed by : Sayed Firoz
Jazak Allha-ho-mul-Khaira
Darood Sharif,
hadees wallpapers,
Islami Wallpaper,
Islamic Dua,
KGN Design Studio,
Kgn Graphic,
Monday, November 21, 2011
Ahadees / Dua in Hindi
Hadith / Hadiths / Ahadith / Ahadees is used to denote a saying,
Act, Words or tacit approval either validly or invalidly ascribed to the prophet Muhammad (Swallaho alihi wasalam). The last prophet of Islam.
Sawab-e-Jariya (Puri Ummat-e-Mohammadia k Liye)
Designed by : Sayed Firoz
Jazak Allha-ho-mul Khaira
Ahadees / Dua in Hindi
Hadith / Hadiths / Ahadith / Ahadees is used to denote a saying, Act, Words or tacit approval either validly or invalidly ascribed to the prophet Muhammad (Swallaho alihi wasalam). The last prophet of Islam.
Sawab-e-Jariya (Puri Ummat-e-Mohammadia k Liye)
Designed by : Sayed Firoz
Jazak Allha-ho-mul-Khaira
4 Crore Naki,
Graphic KGN Design,
Hadees Sharif,
hadees wallpapers,
Islami Wallpaper,
Islamic Dua,
KGN Design Studio,
Kgn Graphic,
Sayed Firoz,
Ahadees / Dua in Hindi
Hadith / Hadiths / Ahadith / Ahadees is used to denote a saying,
Act, Words or tacit approval either validly or invalidly ascribed to the prophet Muhammad (Swallaho alihi wasalam). The last prophet of Islam.
Sawab-e-Jariya (Puri Ummat-e-Mohammadia k Liye)
Designed by : Sayed Firoz
Jazak Allha-ho-mul-Khaira
Thursday, November 17, 2011
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