Sunday, June 29, 2014

Ramadan Wallpaper 2015

Exclusive Collection of Wallpapers

Taraweeh Ki Dua Arabic

Taraweeh Ki Dua Arabic
Sawab-e-Jariya Puri Ummat K liye

Friday, June 27, 2014

Ramadan Wallpaper 2015 Latest

Diwano Jhoomo Jhoomo
Ramadan Aane Wala Hai.

Reward for fasting until Judgement Day

Mother of the believers, Sayyidatuna ‘Aishah Siddiqah (Radi allahu ta'ala anha) has narrated that the Noble Prophet (Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) has said, ‘If anyone dies in the state of fast, Allah (Azza wa jal) will bless him with the reward of fasting until the Day of Judgement.’ (Firdaus - bima’ Šaur-ul- Khattab, pp. 504, vol. 3, Hadiš 5557)

Subhan Allah ! How fortunate the fasting person is! If he dies in the state of fast, he will be granted the reward of fasting till the Day of Judgement Sayyiduna Anas Bin Malik (Radi allahu ta'ala anhu) has said that he heard Rasulullah (Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)    

say, ‘Ramadan has come to you, the gates of Heaven are opened and those of Hell are closed, and the devils are held in captivity. The person who finds Ramadan but is not forgiven is a deprived one, because if he is not forgiven even in Ramadan, when will he be forgiven then?’ (Majma’-uz-Zawaid, pp. 345, vol. 3, Hadiš 4788)

By Ilyas Attari

Ramadan Wallpaper HD

Welcome to Ramadan 2014
Beautiful Wallpaper of Ramadan

Does man fall ill due to fast?
There is a general misconception that a person falls ill as a result of fasting but this

has nothing to do with reality. A’la Hazrat (Radi allahu ta'ala anhu)  has stated in Al-Malfu_ (part 2, page 143), ‘Once I saw my respected father Sayyiduna Maulana Naqi ‘Ali Khan

(Radi allahu ta'ala anhu) in my dream a few weeks before Ramadan; he said, ‘Son, you will fall severely ill in the following Ramadan, but be careful, you should not miss even a single fast.’ As my father predicted, I did fall severely ill in Ramadan but I did not miss even a single fast. Allah (Azza wa jal) granted me good health by the blessing of fasts. The Noble

Prophet (Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) has said, (Fast; you will get healthy).’ (Ad-Dur-rul- Manšur, pp. 440, vol. 1)

Fast improves health

Sayyiduna ‘Ali (Radi allahu ta'ala anhu)  has narrated that the Prophet of Rahmah, the

Intercessor of Ummah (Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) has said, Allah (Azza wa jal)

sent a revelation to one of the Prophets of Bani Israil commanding him to inform his Ummah that if anyone fasts a day for My pleasure, I will grant him good health and reward him greatly.’ (Shu’ab-ul-Iman, pp. 412, vol. 3, Hadiš 3923)

Ramadan Wallpaper Latest

Latest Ramadan Wallpaper 2014
Welcome to Ramadan

Fasting person possesses strong faith

Dear Islamic brothers! (Imagine) It is extremely hot, the throat and lips of the fasting
Muslim have been dry due to thirst, he has water and food as well, but he does not even
look at them despite extreme thirst and hunger due to his steadfast belief in Allah (Azza wa jal).  He knows that although no one watches him apparently, in fact, none of his actions is concealed from Allah (Azza wa jal) This firm faith of the fasting Muslim is the practical outcome of fast. Other forms of worship involve physical movements and are visible to others but fast is such a form of worship which no one can come to know, only Allah (Azza wa jal) knows. Even if a person eats secretly, people will still regard him a fasting person, but he refrains from eating for the pleasure of Allah (Azza wa jal) only.

Dear Islamic brothers! If possible, make your children fast from their early age so that
they won’t face any difficulty in fasting after they reach the age of puberty. The respected

scholars (Radi allahu ta'ala anhu)  have said, ‘When children reach the age of ten and are healthy enough to fast they should be made to fast in Ramadan. If they do not fast despite being healthy enough to do so, they should be strictly made to fast even by beating. If they break it, they will not be ordered to make up for it (do Qaba), but if they break their Salah, they will be ordered to offer it again.’ (Rad-dul-MuEtar, pp. 385, vol. 3)

Ramadan 2015

Ramadan 2014
Beautiful Wallpaper for Ramadan Sharif

For whom fast is Fard?
Like Salah, the fasts of Ramadan are also Fard for every such (male and female) Muslim
who is sane and has reached  puberty. It is stated in Durr-e-Mukhtar that fasts were
declared Fard on 10th Sha’ban two years after Hijrah. (Durr-e-Mukhtar ma’ Rad-dul-Muktar,pp. 330, vol. 3)

 By : Ilyas Attari

Ramazan Wallpaper 2016 HD

Aamad-e-Ramazan Hai.

Compensation for previous sins

Sayyiduna Abu Sa’id Khudri (Radi allahu ta'ala anhu) has narrated that the Beloved and Blessed Prophet (Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) has said: ‘If anyone fasts in Ramadan realising its limits and avoiding what should be avoided, this will compensate for all his previous sins.’ (Al-Ihsan bittartib Sahih Ibn Hibban, pp. 183, vol. 5, Hadiš 3424)

By : Ilyas Attari

Friday, June 20, 2014

Ramadan wallpaper 2015

Ramadan 2014

Reason of fasts becoming Fard
Most of the acts in Islam remind us of faith-refreshing Islamic and historical events.

Running between Safa and Marwah reminds us of Sayyidatuna Hajirah’s (Radi allahu ta'ala anha) walking and running between these two mountains seven times in search of water for her son Sayyiduna Isma’il (Alahi Salaam). Allah (Azza wa jal) liked this act and declared it Wajib for all those who perform Hajj and ‘Umrah to imitate her in order to keep this act alive.


Likewise, the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) spent some days of Ramadan in seclusion in the cave of Hira where he Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) used to refrain from eating during the day and worship Allah (Azza wa jal) at night. In order to keep the memory of this blessed act of His Beloved and Blessed Rasul (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) alive Allah (Azza wa jal) made it Fard for us to fast in Ramadan.

By Ilyas

Ramadan Mubarak Wallpaper

Ramadan Mubarak 

Reward for Fast

Sayyiduna Abu Hurairah (Radi allahu ta'ala anhu) has narrated that the Beloved and Blessed Prophet (Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) has said: ‘For every act of piety, man is rewarded ten to seven hundred times more. Allah (Azza wa jal) said (except fasting, because fasting is for Me and I will give its reward Myself).


Allah (Azza wa jal) also says, ‘Man refrains from satisfying his desires and eating food for My pleasure. There are two glad tidings for the man who fasts; one at the time of sunset and the other when he meets his Rab (Azza wa jal). Allah (Azza wa jal) likes the smell emanating from a fasting person’s mouth more than the fragrance of  musk.’ (Sahih Muslim, pp. 580, !adiš 1151)


There is another saying, ‘Fasting is a shield; when any of you fast, he should neither utter
words of indecency nor shout. If any one else abuses him or wants to fight him, he should

say ‘I am fasting.’ (Sahih Bukhari, pp. 624, vol. 1, Hadiš 1894)

Saturday, June 14, 2014

HD Wallpaper Ramadan 2015

Ye Hai Ramadan
 Mercy on fire worshipper
There was a fire worshipper who lived in Bukhara. One day he was walking through a
Muslim marketplace along with his son. His son began to eat something publicly. Seeing
his son eating, he slapped him and scolded him saying, ‘Aren’t you ashamed of eating in
the Muslims’ market in Ramadan?’ His son replied, ‘(But) Father, you also eat in Ramadan,
don’t you?’ The father replied, ‘I don’t eat in front of the Muslims, I eat at home where
they can’t see me, I don’t desecrate this holy month.’

After some time, this fire worshipper died. Someone had a dream in which he saw the
deceased stroll in Heaven. Amazed, the dreaming person asked, ‘You were a fire worshipper; how did you get into Heaven?’ He replied, ‘You are right; I was a fire worshipper but at the time of death, Allah (Azza wa jal) blessed me with faith for honouring Ramadan and granted me Heaven after death.’ (Nuzha-tul-Majalis, pp. 217, vol. 1)


May Allah (Azza wa jal) have mercy on him and forgive us without accountability for his sake!

Devils tied in chains

Sayyiduna Abu Hurairah (Radi allahu ta'ala anhu) has narrated that the Prophet of Ramah, the Intercessor of Ummah (Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) has stated, ‘In Ramadan the gates of the skies are opened.’ (Sahih Bukhari, pp. 626, vol. 1, Hadiš 1899)


Another narration says that the gates of Paradise are opened and those of Hell are closed
(and) the devils are kept in chains. Another narration says that the gates of mercy are

opened. (Sahih Muslim, pp. 543, Hadiš 1079)

Ramadan Wallpaper HD

Beautiful Ramadan

Why are sins committed despite Satan being in chains?
A renowned exegetist of the Quran Shaykh Mufti Amad Yar Khan (Radi allahu ta'ala anhu) has
stated, ‘In Ramadan, the gates of the skies are opened, through which special bounties of

Allah (Azza wa jal) descend upon the earth. The gates of the Heaven are also opened by which  the maidens of Heaven become aware that Ramadan has arrived in the world, and so they pray for the people of the world. Further, it is also said that no one is punished in his grave in Ramadan. It implies that the gates of Hell are closed in Ramadan, due to which the heat of Hell does not reach the graves of sinners and even unbelievers. Satan, along with his offspring, is chained. If anyone commits sins in this month he does so due to the evil of his Nafs, not because of Satan.’(Mirat-ul-Manajih, pp. 133, vol. 3)

As soon as Satan is released

As soon as Ramadan ends and Satan is released, it seems as if a storm of sins has occurred. Too many sins are committed on Eid day that even the cinemas that are not filled the whole year round become full on Eid day. Fairs that are not seen all year round are held on Eid. It seems Satan is extremely annoyed as a result of being held in captivity a whole month and wants to take revenge within the day of Eid. All amusement parks fill with men and immodest women, theatres are always packed out on Eid, new films and dramas are released just for Eid, and hence countless Muslims become toys in the hands of Satan. However, there are some fortunate Muslims who are not heedless of Allah (Azza wa jal)

and turn down the misleading invitation of Satan.

By Ilyas 

Ramadan HD Wallpaper

Ramadan Beauty

Horrific scene of grave!

Once Amir-ul-Muminin, Sayyiduna ‘Ali (Radi allahu ta'ala anhu) went to a cemetery in Kufa to visit graves. Seeing a newly-prepared grave, he (Radi allahu ta'ala anhu) desired to get to know of its internal state, so he (Radi allahu ta'ala anhu) implored Allah (Azza wa jal)

humbly, ‘Ya Allah (Azza wa jal) reveal to me the condition of the deceased buried in this grave.’ Immediately, all the veils between him and the deceased were lifted. What he saw was a horrific scene; the deceased was being burnt in fire and screaming out for help from Sayyiduna ‘Ali (Radi allahu ta'ala anhu)

O ‘Ali (Radi allahu ta'ala anhu) ! I am drowned in fire and I am burning in fire.

The dreadful scene of the grave and the screams of the deceased person saddened

Sayyiduna ‘Ali (Radi allahu ta'ala anhu). He lifted his hands in the court of his Merciful

Allah (Azza wa jal) and began to pray with utmost humility for the forgiveness of the deceased. A voice from Ghayb echoed, ‘O ‘Ali (Azza wa jal) ! Do not intercede for him as he

used to disrespect Ramadan in spite of fasting, he did not refrain from committing sins
even in Ramadan, he used to fast during the day but would indulge in sins at night.’

Listening to this voice, Sayyiduna ‘Ali (Azza wa jal) became even more sad; he

(Azza wa jal) prostrated and began to cry. (With tears in his eyes) he said, ‘Ya Allah (Azza wa jal) !


Please accept my supplication, this man has called out to me for help with high hopes,

O Creator (Azza wa jal) do not disappoint me in front of him, have mercy on him and forgive this helpless man.’ Sayyiduna ‘Ali (Radi allahu ta'ala anhu) continued to pray in the court of Allah (Azza wa jal). He then heard a voice say, ‘O’ Ali (Radi allahu ta'ala anhu) !

We have forgiven him for the sake of your grieved heart.’ The man was then relieved of punishment. (Anis-ul-Waizin, pp. 25)

Penalty for eating publicly in Ramadan

Dear Islamic brothers! Did you see? Allah (Azza wa jal) not only blessed a fire worshipper with faith for honouring Ramadan but also granted him the eternal blessings of Heaven. All those heedless brothers who don’t honour Ramadan at all despite being Muslims should learn some lesson from this parable. They do not fast, dare to smoke cigarettes and chew Pan (betel) in front of fasting Muslims and some are so shameless that they even eat and drink publicly.


Remember! The honourable scholars of Islam (Rahmathulla Allayhy) have stated, ‘If anyone eats or drinks deliberately in public during the day in Ramadan without a Shar’i exemption, his punishment is that he will be killed (by the Islamic ruler).’ (Durr-e-Mukhtar ma’ Rad-dul-Muhtar, pp. 392, vol. 3)

Design by Ilyas Attari

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Latest Ramadan Wallpaper 2015

Beautiful Ramdan Wallpaper 2014

Who will be destitute on Judgement Day ?
The Holy Prophet (Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) once asked his companions (Radi allahu ta'ala anhu) , ‘Do you know as to who a destitute person is?’ They replied, ‘Ya Rasulallah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)  the one who does not have wealth is a destitute.’ He (Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, ‘The destitute in my Ummah is the one who will be brought on the Judgement Day with Salah, fasts and charity (in his
book of deeds) but would have abused and accused someone, he would have taken wealth
unlawfully and shed blood (or) beaten someone and as a result of these sins, his good deeds
will be taken from him. If he runs out of good deeds and there are still claimants (against
him), he would have to take the sins of the oppressed (people) and would resultantly be
thrown into Hell.’ (Sahih Muslim, pp. 1394, Hadiš 2581)

HD Ramzan Wallpaper 2016

Ramzan Wallpaper HD 2016

Portals of Heaven are opened
Dear Islamic brothers! In Ramadan the gates of mercy and Heaven are opened, those of
55Hell are closed and the devils are chained. Sayyiduna Abu Hurairah (Radi allahu ta'ala anhu)
Has narrated that the Prophet of Rahmah, the Intercessor of Ummah (Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) Would  say to his companions (Radi allahu ta'ala anhu), The month of Ramadan has arrived; it is a very blessed month. Allah (Azza wa jal) has commanded you to fast in it. In this month, the gates of the skies are opened and those of Hell are closed. Satans are kept in chains. In this month there is a blessed night called Laila-tul-Qadr which is greater than a thousand months. The person who is deprived of its blessings is (completely) deprived.’ (Sunan Nasai, pp. 129, vol. 4)

HD Ramadan Wallpaper 2015

HD Wallpaper for Ramadan

Black spot on heart
A Hadiš states, ‘When a person commits a sin, a black spot is marked on his heart. If he
commits another sin another black spot is marked on his heart (and this carries on) until
his (whole) heart becomes black. Then advice has no effect on his heart.’ (Ad-Dur-rul-Manšur, pp. 446, vol. 8)

It’s obvious that if someone’s heart is rusty and black then how can words of piety and
advice affect him? It becomes extremely difficult for such a person to avoid sins in Ramadan as well as in other months, and he finds it hard to perform good deeds. If somehow he does manage to occupy himself in acts of piety he does not enjoy himself carrying them out and tries to find the ways to avoid the Sunnah-Inspiring Madani environment. His Nafs makes him have long hopes and he becomes heedless and eventually dissociates himself from the Madani environment. Such a person wastes the blessed moments of Ramadan, playing and listening to music, playing cards and chess, gossiping, chatting etc. and thereby ruins these sacred and blessed moments.

By : Ilyas 

Ramadan 2015 Wallpaper

Beautiful Wallpaper HD 2014 

Amusement in nights of Ramadan

Dear Islamic brothers! These two parables should serve as an eye-opener for us. Man
makes merry so long as he is alive, but when he dies, his eyes do not close, in actual fact,
they open. Righteous deeds and the wealth spent in the path of Allah (Azza wa jal)
benefit the deceased, but it is unlikely that the wealth the deceased leaves behind will be spent wisely. There is just a little hope that the heirs of the deceased will spend his wealth in the path
of Allah(Azza wa jal) for the betterment of his afterlife. If the deceased left unlawful (Haram) wealth and instruments of sins such as musical instruments, a game shop, a music centre, a cinema, a pub, a casino, an illegal business etc. he would face severe and unimaginable suffering in his grave.

In the parable ‘Horrific Scene of Grave’ we can imagine the horrible punishment given to
the deceased who disrespects Ramadan. All of us should take some lesson from it. Unfortunately, during the sacred nights of Ramadan many youngsters play cricket, football etc. in streets. They not only waste these precious moments by depriving themselves of worshipping but disturb other people as well. They neither worship themselves nor let others do. These amusements make a Muslim heedless of Allah (Azza wa jal) therefore righteous Muslims always stay away from them. Let alone playing, the pious Muslims avoid even watching and listening to commentaries of such useless activities. Therefore, we must avoid these things, especially in the sacred moments of Ramadan

By : Ilyas 

Ramazan HD Wallpaper 2016

Welcome to Holy Month of Ramazan

Horrific scene of grave!

Once Amir-ul-Muminin, Sayyiduna ‘Ali (Radi allahu ta'ala anhu) went to a cemetery in Kufa to visit graves. Seeing a newly-prepared grave, he (Radi allahu ta'ala anhu) desired to get to know of its internal state, so he (Radi allahu ta'ala anhu) implored Allah (Azza wa jal)
humbly, ‘Ya Allah (Azza wa jal) reveal to me the condition of the deceased buried in this grave.’ Immediately, all the veils between him and the deceased were lifted. What he saw was a horrific scene; the deceased was being burnt in fire and screaming out for help from Sayyiduna ‘Ali (Radi allahu ta'ala anhu)

O ‘Ali (Radi allahu ta'ala anhu) ! I am drowned in fire and I am burning in fire.
The dreadful scene of the grave and the screams of the deceased person saddened
Sayyiduna ‘Ali (Radi allahu ta'ala anhu). He lifted his hands in the court of his Merciful
Allah (Azza wa jal) and began to pray with utmost humility for the forgiveness of the deceased. A voice from Ghayb echoed, ‘O ‘Ali (Azza wa jal) ! Do not intercede for him as he
used to disrespect Ramadan in spite of fasting, he did not refrain from committing sins
even in Ramadan, he used to fast during the day but would indulge in sins at night.’
Listening to this voice, Sayyiduna ‘Ali (Azza wa jal) became even more sad; he
(Azza wa jal) prostrated and began to cry. (With tears in his eyes) he said, ‘Ya Allah (Azza wa jal) ! 

Please accept my supplication, this man has called out to me for help with high hopes,
O Creator (Azza wa jal) do not disappoint me in front of him, have mercy on him and forgive this helpless man.’ Sayyiduna ‘Ali (Radi allahu ta'ala anhu) continued to pray in the court of Allah (Azza wa jal). He then heard a voice say, ‘O’ Ali (Radi allahu ta'ala anhu) !

We have forgiven him for the sake of your grieved heart.’ The man was then relieved of punishment. (Anis-ul-Waizin, pp. 25)

Ramadan HD Wallpaper 2015

Beautiful Wallpaper for Ramadan

Amusement in nights of Ramadan

Dear Islamic brothers! These two parables should serve as an eye-opener for us. Man
makes merry so long as he is alive, but when he dies, his eyes do not close, in actual fact,
they open. Righteous deeds and the wealth spent in the path of Allah (Azza wa jal)
benefit the deceased, but it is unlikely that the wealth the deceased leaves behind will be spent wisely. There is just a little hope that the heirs of the deceased will spend his wealth in the path of Allah (Azza wa jal) for the betterment of his afterlife. If the deceased left unlawful (Haram) wealth and instruments of sins such as musical instruments, a game shop, a music centre, a cinema, a pub, a casino, an illegal business etc. he would face severe and unimaginable suffering in his grave.

In the parable ‘Horrific Scene of Grave’ we can imagine the horrible punishment given to
the deceased who disrespects Ramadan. All of us should take some lesson from it. Unfortunately, during the sacred nights of Ramadan many youngsters play cricket, football etc. in streets. They not only waste these precious moments by depriving themselves of worshipping but disturb other people as well. They neither worship themselves nor let others do. These amusements make a Muslim heedless of Allah (Azza wa jal) therefore righteous Muslims always stay away from them. Let alone playing, the pious Muslims avoid even watching and listening to commentaries of such useless activities. Therefore, we must avoid these things, especially in the sacred moments of Ramadan

Design by : Sayed Ilyas 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Shabaan Wallpaper HD 2016

Shabaan Mubarak to All Muslims
Be prepare for Ramzan